Tom’s Midweek Greeting
Crossroads Community Church
Nevada, MO
October 11, 2018
Hello Crossroads Family!
Here are some news and dates of things going on in the life of the church:
Hayride this Saturday
Rain is back in the forecast for Saturday, but as of now the hayride is still “on” for Saturday evening at 5:30 at the Reedy Farm in Moundville. I hope you’ll plan to be there for the cookout and the hayride. If plans need to be changed, we’ll let you know. Bring a side dish or a dessert if you’re able. If you need directions to the Reedys, give Dave a call or text him at ***-****.
Sunday Morning Worship & Fellowship this Sunday
Classes for adults and youth at 9:00; worship at 10:00, at the YMCA. We’ll be in 1 Corinthians 7 for the sermon, a chapter that addresses marriage, singleness, celibacy, divorce, and remarriage! Wow! God has a lot to say about our lives in this chapter. I hope you’ll be there. We’ll have some time for discussion of this important chapter in Paul’s letter.
Men’s Fellowship & Discipleship, October 22
Our monthly get-together and study time for men will take place Monday, October 22. We’ll plan to meet at Iguana Azul restaurant at 6:30 for dinner, then a study immediately following. We’ll plan to finish by 8:15. All men are welcome!
Next Home Group, October 24
We’ll take a break from our regular activities this Wednesday (10/17). We’ll plan to get back together for home group, prayer group, and youth group activity night the following Wednesday, October 24, at the Rods at 6:30. Everyone is always welcome!
Women’s Retreat, October 27
This will be a special day of encouragement and renewal for all women at Crossroads and their friends. The theme is “Chosen” — discovering your identity in Christ. Emma Harms, who has led women’s ministry at our sister church in Springfield, will be the speaker. You won’t want to miss this fun day for women at the Lavender Patch Farm near Ft Scott. For questions and to sign up, contact Erlinda Reichard (***-****).
Upcoming Sermons
Here’s a list (subject to change) of upcoming sermons for the remainder of the year. Thank you for praying for me in my task of teaching and preaching! I am humbled by your kind words and the support you give to me and my family.
1 Corinthians
October 14 Does God Understand My Marriage? 1 Cor 7:1-24
October 21 God’s Gift of Singleness 1 Cor 7:25-40
“Money & Missions”
October 28 God’s Money & Me, Part 1
November 4 God’s Money & Me, Part 2 (Communion Sunday)
November 11 Missions, Part 1 (Dale Losch, President of Crossworld Mission, will be our speaker)
November 18 Missions, Part 2
November 25 Thanksgiving
December During the Advent season, our theme will be “Christmas in the Psalms.” We’ll take a look at four psalms, each of which speak of the coming Messiah and King. We don’t often make a connection between the psalms and Christmas.
Some Encouragement for You
I was visiting this week with someone from Joplin who is familiar with the churches in Nevada. This person – who has also heard me explain the work God is doing at Crossroads – said to me, “Nevada needs a church like yours.”
I was encouraged by his statement, and I hope you are as well. (It was kind of like was said last Sunday in worship — “a fingerprint of God”).
Yet, I wondered afterwards, what did he mean by that?
Two things come to my mind which contribute, I think, to the unique character of Crossroads Church:
- Relationships
It’s great to be part of a group of people who are truly sincere about living together in peace, doing the work of the Lord in unity. As we’ve studied the divisions in the Corinthian church, we’ve had opportunities to discuss what it takes for church members to live together in unity. Two or three factors mentioned at a recent home group were patience (or maybe, the word used sometimes in the Bible is even better – longsuffering). Often times, if we’ll just exercise some patience with each other, conflict will work itself out. Communication is another factor, and several have said that we do work hard at Crossroads to keep communication open and flowing. Also, my contribution to that discussion, was “not taking ourselves too seriously.” I thought afterwards that maybe that wasn’t a very good answer, until I read this in the book of Ecclesiastes – “Also, do not take seriously all words which are spoken” (Eccl. 7:21). We are working hard at doing our part of the work, but it is ultimately God who is in control!
- Discipleship
Growing as Christians who hear and heed the Lord’s call not just to be saved, but to be disciples, is a wonderful thing to experience. Jesus’ discipleship commands —
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” Luke 14:33
“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matt 4:19
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matt 28:19
— are not easily received and acted upon even by Christians.
Yet, they are the path to an abundant and purpose-filled life, and to a deep relationship with the Lord himself.
I encourage you to consider:
1) Are you growing as a disciple? How do you know? Are you taking advantage of opportunities at Crossroads to be fed and trained as a disciple of Christ? There are lots of opportunities, some listed above in this letter.
2) Are you training others as disciples of the Lord? Paul wrote to his spiritual son, Timothy, “The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2). Into whose life are you, in a systematic way, pouring the truths of the Christian life … so that they are also growing spiritually and eventually teaching others?
It’s a good day to be a follower of the Lord! The times in which we live offer great opportunities and great joys if we are willing to be all the Lord has called us to be!
Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
— Tom