Hello, Crossroads Family !
I want to get a quick note out before the week gets too crazy … and update everyone on how yesterday finished up.
If you missed yesterday’s sermon, I encourage you to catch up by watching it on the Crossroads Facebook page. It was a sermon about “being the church” rather than just “going to church”. This is an exciting time at Crossroads. I think yesterday’s sermon can help us unite in our vision and plans for an exciting future.
If you missed the congregational meeting and would like a copy of the financial report, please let me, Stacey, or Donna know. There are some extras at the church as well which will still be available next Sunday.
Worship, the meeting, and the workday were all really good. Someone even told me it was “awesome” ! Thanks to so many for showing up ! The improvements to our worship area look great and give the room some personality ! Thanks to workers and planners … and to those who give, encourage, and pray !
I’m especially grateful for our Elder Team which has worked hard this year and done a wonderful job guiding us through these new stages of life at Crossroads Church. It was one year ago this month that we started conversing with our current landlord about the possibility of renting the space we’re in. All our elders have helped in bringing us to the stage we’re at. I’m grateful for these men who lead prayerfully and cheerfully. They are a support to me and made possible my week off two Sundays ago.
One of the main parts of yesterday’s meeting was to present small-group opportunities for connection, fellowship, and growth this fall. Here’s a short explanation of each :
Immerse is our Wednesday night connecting time. It involves reading a section of Scripture during the week, then coming together in small groups of 8-12 on Wednesday night for informal discussion in a book-club style. The goals are : Connect with God. Build community. Grow your faith. Please sign up at the church or let Forrest know you’ll be part of Immerse this semester so we can order you materials. The first session of Immerse will be Wednesday, August 28, at the church from 7:00-8:15. Childcare will be available.
Breakfast & a Bible Study
Breakfast & a Bible Study is starting Saturday, Sept. 7th, at the church. This 8:00-9:15 am gathering will be a great time for food, friendship, and fellowship in the Word. The group will spend eight weeks studying “Find Your People” by Jenny Allen in hopes of learning more about how to build deep connections with others both at church and in the other communities we serve. Please email Erin Townsend (ektownsend12@gmail.com) for more details.
Hymn Study
This will be a study open to all ages, men and women and young people, beginning Sunday, September 8, 6:30-7:30 pm and meeting every other Sunday evening at the home of Jenny Rives, 14174 E. Norman Road. It will be a time of worship, fellowship, discovery, and growth through a study of some of the great hymns and hymnwriters of the faith. You don’t need to sign up ; just come with a Bible, journal or notebook, and something to write with.
More Crossroads Family Life …
Please remember to pray for those we support in Missions.
Church Directory
Thanks to Heather Hall for doing such an excellent job on our new church directory. Please be sure to pick up a copy at church.
Congratulations !
Congratulations to Kylee Vestal and Dominick Goodwin on your engagement ! We’re excited for you and for your families ! Let’s be in prayer for Kylee and Dominick as they make plans and prepare their future together.
Newcomers Meeting this Sunday, August 18
If you’re interested in knowing more about Crossroads and/or interested in church membership, I’ll be leading a Newcomers get-together following the worship service this coming Sunday. I’ll need an hour or less of your time. Come to get acquainted and enjoy some fellowship. Welcome to Jenny Rives who became a new member of the church yesterday !
Fellowship Meal, September 15
We’re all invited to the home of Bryan and Erin Townsend on Sunday, September 15, following the worship service for smoked turkey and ham and all the fixin’s. Please mark your calendar for a fun time of food and fellowship. Bring a friend !
Venmo Account
Donations to Crossroads can now be made via Venmo. @Crossroads_Church24
Birthright of Nevada
Our participation in the Birthright Baby Boomerang fundraiser was recognized in the Birthright summer newsletter. Birthright is looking for volunteers who are willing to serve at the center 3-6 hours a month. They also have some clothing needs for babies at this time. You can find out more on their Facebook page or by calling 417-448-1771 or by emailing nevada@birthright.org.
Helping Our Neighbors
Thanks for the concern many of you expressed for my neighbors whose house was recently damaged. We are hoping to be able to help them remove the damaged section of the house. However, their insurance company is still reviewing the structural damage to the house and is asking us not to proceed until we get a green light from them. We should know more soon regarding how we should proceed.
A Final Thought
One of the great promises to believers in Christ is wrapped up in the word “blameless.” It’s interesting to me how often that word shows up in the Bible, describing who we are through the work and person of Jesus.
1 Corinthians 1:8
“… awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also confirm you to the end blameless …”
Colossian 1:22
“He has now reconciled you in His body through death in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach.”
Jude 24
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, …”
Imagine — blameless because Jesus took the blame at the cross ! Being blameless is a reality ; it’s our position now before God. It doesn’t give us an excuse to live however we want — we are still called on to live obedient lives. However, it should give us immense joy to know that God loves us this much and calls us blameless, just like Jesus !
Have a wonderful week !
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