Hello, Crossroads Family !
I’m looking forward to connecting with you this coming Sunday morning ! It will be a special day in the life of our church ! We’ll worship at 10:00 ; then, everyone is welcome to stay for a congregational meeting following the worship service. On the agenda for the meeting will be a financial update, a presentation of small group ministries coming up this fall, and prayer. It will not be a long meeting, and since we only do these two or three times a year, it’s a good time for everyone — new and old — to renew vision and re-commit ourselves to God and each other ! (If you don’t plan to stay for the meeting, please come for worship anyway !) The meeting will be followed by our long-awaited “workday.” If you have some skills and time for the projects we’ve been talking about (hanging the nursery door, and some other small projects), your help would be much appreciated !
Thank you for praying for me while I was on my break ! I had a wonderful time and look forward to sharing parts of it with you this Sunday. Special thanks to Dave, Forrest, and Ryan for preaching in my place last Sunday morning !
Since I’ve been back, I’ve had a wellness check, a foot x-ray, blood drawn to check my thyroid, and I’m getting an iron infusion lined up at Mercy Hospital in Joplin for either this week or next ! I’m mostly in good shape , but there have been some aches and pains — and a return of iron-deficiency fatigue — that have been hanging around for a while. My neighbors down Spring Street had their house hit this week by a car that lost control and was unable to brake. Their front porch was destroyed, and thankfully this couple (the older couple with all the flowers) were not sitting out on their porch at the time. Please pray for them, and if you drive by and they’re out in their yard, stop and let them know you care. They are sweet people, and they work so hard on their flowers (many of which were also destroyed in the accident).
Other Dates
Newcomers Meeting, August 18
If you’re new to Crossroads and/or interested in knowing more about church membership, we’ll meet immediately following the worship service on Sunday, August 18.
Fellowship Meal, September 15
We’re invited to the Townsends’ home for a church barbecue on Sunday, September 15. More details coming soon !
Ministry Teams Meeting, September 22
We would like all our ministry teams to meet, along with the elders, following worship on September 22, for the purposes of doing some planning and setting some goals for the fall and winter. Thanks for making an effort to be with us on the 22nd !
Like many of you, my schedule will be changing with the start of the new school year. I’ll be at Nevada High School this year each day from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm, with a break in the middle for lunch. Thanks for your understanding and for your prayers for the opportunities God gives me to serve at NHS.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning at 10:00 !
621 E. Highland Ave.
— Tom
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