Hello, Crossroads Family !
What a special time we had two nights ago — our first Christmas Eve at the Highland Avenue location ! I’m glad so many of you and your extended family members were there !
Two specific parts of that Christmas Eve service stand out to me : The first was watching Marvin light all five Advent wreath candles. That moment was the culmination of five weeks of focusing on names of Jesus, something which was a blessing to me, and which I hope, like me, helped you love and appreciate the Lord in new ways.
Second, as we lined up to hang our ornaments on the Christmas tree and offer our lives to Christ, I was intrigued by the chatter that was taking place in the room. There was clearly a joy present in the room ! I feel like that low hum of conversation may often be present when we worship the Lord one day in heaven ! There is an excitement about Christ’s birth and life that was freely expressed Tuesday night.
Thanks to all who helped make the Christmas Eve service a blessing. Special thanks to Erin Townsend and Jenny Rives who helped plan and organize the service with me. Thanks to our worship team for leading in music. Thanks to Erin Reedy, Jenny, Audrey, and Natalie for serving at the door, and thanks to all who served the Body of Christ Tuesday night.
We’ll worship God again this Sunday morning at 10:00. Amazingly, it will still be December !
God seems always to bless our last Sunday of the year in a special way, so I hope you can be there !
Also going on at Crossroads :
Tom on vacation
I’ll preach this Sunday morning, then I’ll have time off from Sunday afternoon through January 5. (Forrest and Ryan will bring the morning message on January 5.) Please be in contact with one of the other Crossroads elders if you have a need next week. I’ll be trying hard not to answer my phone, text, and email. Thanks for your prayers for some “down” time for me !
Men’s Fellowship, January 23
All men at Crossroads are invited to an evening of fellowship at the church on Thursday, January 23, 6:30-8:00 pm organized by Cris Rodriguez and Tommie Ray. (I hear that corn hole and food are two parts of the plan for that night !) Cris and Tommie will be leading a study for men — “The Ten Greatest Struggles of Your Life” — on the third Thursday of each month this coming year. I hope you can join all the guys on the 23rd !
Women’s Breakfast & Bible Study starts again January 11
All women are invited to a new session of Breakfast & a Bible Study at the church on Saturday, January 11, from 8-9:15 am. The study this year will be from the book of Numbers, “With Us in the Wilderness,” by Lauren Chandler. Please sign up if you plan to attend or contact Erin Townsend (ektownsend12@gmail.com).
Day of Prayer & Fasting, January 20
I’d like to call the church to a day of prayer on Monday, January 20. We’ll talk during the days leading up to the 20th about some specific ways to make prayer a part of that day. Catherine Moss will be giving us some ideas on how to include a partial or full fast that day for those who are interested and would like to. The 20th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so some will have a different schedule that day, and it will be a chance for us to seek God together at the start of this new year. Thanks for being open to participating in some way. More to come.
New Children’s Church Class beginning January 26
Beginning January 26, and continuing every fourth Sunday of each month, there will be a second Children’s Church class offered for anyone interested ages 8-13. The class will meet during the sermon time in the conference room. If you would like additional information, please contact Emily Lewis (Emilylewis6789@gmail.com). Thank you, Emily, for your heart to minister to young people.
Elder Team meeting, January 12
Our new Elder Team will meet Sunday, January 12, following the worship service. Thanks for praying for the new team : Shane, Forrest, Tom, Cris, Ryan. If you have something that needs to be included on the agenda for this meeting, please be sure to let one of us know. Thank you.
Missions Team meeting, January 12
Our Missions Team — Bobbie Barbour, Heather Hall, and Julie Kemper — will also meet on the 12th following the worship service. Thank you for your prayers on their behalf as they seek to help guide our church in the area of missions, both worldwide and local.
Thank you
Thank you to the church elders and congregation for the kind and generous Christmas gift I received. I’m blessed to serve a congregation that loves each other well. Thank you for blessing me and my family !
Finally, the Bible exhorts us to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep. Let’s remember those in our congregation and beyond who are affected by grief and sorrow at this time, as well as others in our congregation who have both material and heart-level needs. Several in our congregation have aging parents with challenging needs.
Thank you for taking time to pray. God answers prayer and loves for His children to bring their needs to Him. He has a special place in His heart for the prayers we pray on behalf of others.
I hope to see you this Sunday !
— Tom
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