Hello, Crossroads Family !
I’ve enjoyed the holiday season and start to the new year in many different ways, including a week off last week that was just the kind I needed. Thank you for your prayers for me. I’m grateful and humbled by your concern for me as a person and as your pastor. Thanks to our elders and to everyone who patiently waited for a decision concerning worship last Sunday due to the winter storm. Those decisions aren’t easy to make, and it’s not always easy, either, to get the timing of them just right. When there is inclement weather, you can expect a text message on your phone by 6:30 or 7:00 Sunday morning at the latest. We’ll also post cancellations on the church Facebook page and website (nevadacrossroadschurch.org). You can always call myself or one of the other elders if you’re not sure what the status is of worship on Sunday morning. Always use your own good judgment about whether or not to get out in bad weather.
There are some needs in the church, and let’s keep them in our prayers. Let’s give thanks that some in the church who were sick are feeling better. Let’s keep in mind those who are caring for aging parents — a tough job and a special ministry. Let’s not forget to pray for those we know who lost friends and/or loved ones over the holidays.
I would like all of us to join in a Day of Prayer & Fasting on Monday, the 20th. That will be MLK, Jr., Day, so it will be easy to remember to commit time throughout that day to pray for God’s leading and provision for us as a church in 2025. If you’re able and would like to include a partial or full fast that day, Catherine Moss has an interesting and helpful write-up concerning the biblical discipline of fasting. Please reach out to Catherine, let her know you’re interested, and she’ll make sure you get a copy of that. Please plan to join me and Catherine and others for prayer at the church that day at noon and at 6 pm. (Come once or both times !) I’ll be sending out some prayer helps in the coming days to guide us in our praying !
I’m excited to get back together with you for worship and fellowship this Sunday ! Come early, and let’s have a great time ! God is worthy of our attention and worship, and we need each other, too, don’t we ? I’m going to begin a series of sermons from the book of Ephesians. Yes, I’ve been promising you that we’ll go back to Exodus and not leave Moses stranded on Mt Sinai ; but with the Saturday women’s group doing a study in Numbers, with the upcoming men’s monthly study being a study in the Ten Commandments, and with our new semester of Immerse (starting Feb 19) also being in the Old Testament, I figured we didn’t need Old Testament on Sunday mornings too ! Ephesians is a wonderful, powerful letter for us. Some of the subjects addressed in Ephesians are these :
- Our riches in Christ : Every spiritual blessing from God is ours ! What are those blessings ? How do we access them ? If it’s true, what a help and hope for everyday living !
- Predestination : Okay, what exactly is that about ?
- Marriage : Same question — what’s it really about, not according to the world, but according to the Bible ?
- Unity in the church : There has been a breaking down of barriers through Jesus. That was good news for the Ephesians and it’s life-changing for us too !
- Living up to our high calling : “Walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you received” is the main application of the letter. We’ve received a high calling as children of God ; Paul gives us practical helps as to how to live out that calling ! Living and growing in the Lord is possible !
So I hope to see you this Sunday at 10:00 ! Thanks to our worship team, greeters, children’s workers, cleaners, and many others who work together to make Sunday mornings happen at Crossroads ! Thanks to those who pray ! Thanks to those who give, and special thanks to those who handle and keep records of the money provided. We appreciate those who make coffee and bring food ! I’m grateful for those who intentionally work on relationship-building on Sunday mornings. And, last but not least, someone turns out the lights, adjusts the thermostat and locks the doors every week — thank you !
Please do pray in advance of this Sunday’s service. Thank you !
Other Happenings
A few words about what lies ahead of us at Crossroads :
Breakfast & a Bible Study, this Saturday, January 11
All women are invited this Saturday morning for a new semester of fellowship and study. 8:00-9:15 at the church. Fifteen minutes of fellowship and sixty minutes of study. Contact Erin Townsend if you have questions or would like more information (ektownsend12@gmail.com).
Elders Meeting this Sunday following the worship service.
Please pray for our new Elder Team : Shane Dahmer, Forrest Drury, myself, Cris Rodriguez, and Ryan Walker.
Missions Team Meeting this Sunday following the worship service.
Please pray for our Missions Team. We have an exciting year of missions ahead. Bobbie Barbour, Heather Hall, Julie Kemper.
Day of Prayer & Fasting – Monday, January 20
More information and helps coming. Contact Catherine Moss if you have questions or would like help including fasting as a part of that day (catherineg36220@gmail.com). All are invited to make it a special day of prayer, even if fasting is not an option for you. Meet for group prayer at noon and at 6pm, one or the other, or both !
Men’s Fellowship – Thursday, January 23, 6:30-8:00 pm
All men are invited to a special evening of food and fellowship at the church. We’d like to get to know each other better and kick off a monthly gathering for men this semester. Please contact Cris Rodriguez (crisandonnarodriguez@gmail.com) or Tommie Ray (twray2006@yahoo.com) if you have questions.
A second Sunday morning class for children, January 26.
For all 8-13-year-olds, a second children’s class is beginning during the sermon time every fourth Sunday morning starting January 26. Emily Lewis will be leading it, so we know it will be a special time. Feel free to reach out to Emily if you have questions or want information (Emilylewis6789@gmail.com). Thank you, and thanks to Emily for initiating this !
A simple way to bless the church family is to sign up to clean the church. There is a sign-up list at the church now. If spaces are filled or you have questions, please talk to Diane Ray (lyndelld2002@yahoo.com). With more things happening during the week at our church home, it’s important that we all lend a hand in keeping the place clean. Thank you !
My hopes for this coming year are that everyone at Crossroads has a place to serve and serves well ; that everyone at Crossroads has people they can connect with for mutual support and accountability ; and that we are all being equipped to be lights and witnesses of our loving God and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is a great year to build upon what God gave us last year. Let’s be proactive and visionary !
“Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for giving us through Christ every spiritual benefit as citizens of Heaven !” (Ephesians 1:3)
“As the Lord’s prisoner, I beg you to live lives worthy of your high calling” (Eph 4:1, The New Testament in Modern English)
— Tom
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