Hello, Crossroads Family!
We enjoyed a good Sunday together this past weekend, and I’m looking forward to God’s work in all our lives this week.
A couple reminders and things to pray about:
Meeting Space
If you weren’t with us Sunday, you will want to know that the elders visited a rental space last week that could possibly serve as a home for Crossroads Church. It’s the old Job Center space on Highland Avenue. It’s a large, open, carpeted space with several smaller classroom-type rooms adjoining it. We had a good discussion with the owner of the building. She is likely used to getting a higher rent than we will feel able to pay, however she is desirous of finding a solution that would work for all of us. At any rate, please pray for God’s leading in this and pray for Shane who has a follow-up phone call with the owner today. Thank you!
Home Group
Everyone is invited to next Monday evening’s home group starting with dinner at Donna and Cris Rodriguez’s house, *contact us for location*. We would love for you to join us for a final study in the Psalms of Ascents. We’ll discuss Psalm 130 and Psalm 132 on the subjects of hope and faith.
Congregational Meeting
We have a congregational meeting scheduled for Sunday, August 20, following the worship service. Everyone is invited. We also have a fellowship activity scheduled for that day following the meeting, so reserve some time for food and fellowship. More details coming!
I’m currently reading the biography of Lilias Trotter, an artist and missionary who left her comfortable London home to serve God for forty years in Algeria. Her compassionate heart and lifestyle of encouragement won the hearts of people in her adopted country. As we consider our own individual journeys, these two statements Lilias made might be an encouragement to you:
She wrote, “One learns as one goes, not to fear the detours by which God leads on.” I like the courage and faith in that statement! I suspect we all feel there have been — and continue to be — many detours in our lives as we journey along! We need not fear the detours; they are a part of God’s leading.
She also wrote this: “Take the very hardest thing in your life — the place of difficulty, outward or inward, and expect God to triumph gloriously in that very spot. Just there He can bring your soul into blossom.” Do you and I have the courage to believe that? It’s something God consistently shows to be true in the stories of the Bible … especially in the crucifixion of Jesus. If we can believe that this is a consistent way in which God works, we will have the courage to face all our circumstances with hope and strength.
Thanks for praying! Thanks for living for the glory of our Lord Jesus!
— Tom
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