Hello, Crossroads Family :
Please be in prayer for Jamie Sisseck and her extended family at the passing of her grandfather, Harold Fritter, yesterday. There will be a visitation tomorrow evening, 6-8, at Cheney-Witt funeral home in Ft Scott, and a funeral service Thursday at noon, also at Cheney-Witt. Let’s ask God to bless and comfort Jamie, Kris, Konner, Jamie’s grandmother, and other family members and friends at this time of loss.
We had a good ministry teams meeting last Sunday following the worship service. Thanks to everyone who attended. I’ve summarized some of the main points of the meeting at the end of this email. I hope you’ll take time to read it ; there’s important information there for the whole church family.
This week at Crossroads :
- Immerse, Wednesday night, 7-8:15, at the church.
- Breakfast & a Bible Study for women, Saturday, 8-9:15, also at the church.
- Worship Sunday morning, 10:00.
Other events coming up :
- Game Night, Saturday, October 5 : An evening of games and fellowship for all high school-aged students and their friends starting at 6 pm at the Townsends’ home. Contact Bryan Townsend or Jessica Baker if you need more information or have questions.
- Thanksgiving fellowship dinner : Mark your calendar for a Thanksgiving fellowship meal following worship on Sunday, November 24.
Some Highlights from Ministry Teams Meeting
There is a basket in the “office” (first room to the right as you enter the building) where you can leave receipts for Stacey when you’ve made a purchase. Please write your name on the receipt as well as the budget line your expense needs to come out of. (There is a copy of the budget next to the basket.) Please make sure Stacey gets receipts from all purchases made for the church. Thank you ! If you have questions, please speak to Stacey or Donna.
More Finances
If you are leading a ministry team, please try to submit to the elders, by November 1, a budget amount you envision for your ministry for next year’s budget. Thank you.
Children’s Church
We are in need of some additional volunteers to be part of the rotation of adults currently serving in children’s church (ages 0-7) during the sermon. Please contact Michaela Walker if you’re interested and willing to take a turn.
We would like to start a second class for children over age 7 who need a place to go during the sermon. If you would be interested in helping to bless this older age group, please take time to let Emily Lewis know that. Thank you ! Children of all ages are always welcome to stay for the sermon, but some do better with a lesson and activity geared to their age level. We would like to have some committed hearts (like yours !) to help meet that need.
An Important Reminder
If you are in the building during the week and need to use the restrooms, be sure, before leaving the worship area, to unlock the door leading into the hallway You will need to unlock the door and turn the handle once to make sure it’s unlocked. If not, there’s a good possibility you will be locked out of the worship area and, in addition, possibly unable to exit the building ! Finally, when you leave the building make sure both the main door and the hallway door are locked and all the lights are turned out. Thank you !
Yard Work
Thanks to those who have been so faithful to care for the yard and to spray weeds around the building and parking lot this summer. We anticipate a clean-up day and burn party later this fall ! Discussion also took place at our meeting concerning the need for more lighting along the walkway outside the door.
Meal Ministry
Heather Vestal is taking on the responsibility of organizing meals for people at Crossroads (and beyond) who need a meal provided due to illness or some other life event. If you’d be interested in helping, a sign-up sheet will be available this Sunday at church, or you can contact Heather. Thank you !
Help with Communion
We have some new volunteers to help serve Communion each first Sunday of the month ! If you would also like to help with Communion, please let Dave Reedy know.
We had some good discussion about possible local outreaches for the coming year. More discussion coming.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore, we will not fear,
though the earth should change,
though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam.
though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.
Psalm 46:1-3
God bless you as your journey with Him and trust Him this week !
— Tom
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