Hello, Crossroads Family!
September is always filled with busy days, isn’t it? It’s a great time of the year! There’s a lot going on at Crossroads too!
- MAMS. The new “Martha’s & Mary’s” group met for the first time last night. I’m looking forward to hearing more about how it went. I’m thankful for fellowship and support among women in the church.
- Youth Group. A new video series begins for our Youth Group and friends this Sunday following the worship service. The series is called “How to Face Life’s Challenges.” It’s about practical ways to deal with challenges like worry, failure, anger, loving your enemies, judging others, and facing temptation. Meet at Jessica’s for lunch and study time after the worship service!
- Fall Home Group. I’ll be starting a 6-part Home Group video series on Sunday evening, October 2. I hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to be there! We’ll meet every other Sunday evening during October and November. The study is “Discovering Our Family Tree: Church History Made Easy.” Now, before you say to yourself, “BOOORRRRING!” … just think about this: Understanding the history of the Church is really about understanding yourself. It is your spiritual “family tree.” The study will help answer questions about why you are the way you are as a Christian, and why you hold the attitudes you do about the Church. Home Group is never a dull moment; there’s always lots of learning, laughter and getting to know each other better!
- Missions. Our Missions Team (Erlinda, Heather Hall, and myself) is excited to share some recommendations with the Elder Board and church family about how we can get involved specifically in supporting some missionaries and their work. We’re also planning two worship services in October (the 9th and 16th) to have a special emphasis on missions. I’m excited about this new phase of ministry for Crossroads!
- Church Leadership. This fall we will be needing once again to go through the process of nominating and electing church elders. Would you pray for God to bless that process in advance. I appreciate your involvement in the process. If you’re not currently a voting member at Crossroads, we would love for you to consider taking that step so you can be involved in this decision and in the approval of a 2023 church budget. Thanks!
Thanks to all who take an active role in the life of the church, through relationship-building, serving, giving, and praying!
This Sunday
We’ll have a good time of worship and learning this Sunday morning at 10:00 at the Community Center, 200 N. Ash Street. Our sermon will be from Genesis 42, “Life Tests We All Must Take,” taken from the life of Joseph who, at this point in the story, has risen to a position of power and influence in Egypt. These are the final chapters of the book of Genesis; God wraps up this book in some interesting and surprising ways!
The sermon will also be available on the Crossroads Facebook page. Don’t forget, too, that you can access information about Crossroads on our website,
Personal Plans (Lord willing)
This Saturday morning I’ll travel to Carthage with some of our Nevada High School show choir students for their auditions for District Choir. I’ll accompany some soloists, and the students will also be judged on sight reading skills and key signature recognition.
On Saturday afternoon I’ll be at the Vernon County Relay for Life’s “Bark for Life” at Marmaduke Park. Check it out on the VC Relay for Life Facebook page. What an interesting and fun event! Our own Julie Kemper is one of the organizers of the event. I’ve been asked to offer (or bark?) the opening prayer.
Next weekend my daughter Betsy will be married to Dan Jackson at a wedding in St Joe, Arkansas. I’m looking forward to a wonderful weekend with all my kids and grandkids. Thanks for your prayers for Betsy and Dan as they build their life together.
Jason Burrows will be preaching at Crossroads next Sunday, the 18th. We all love Jason, and I know he will bring a challenging and encouraging message from the Bible. Jason has recently become engaged and will be bringing his fiancée, Mariya, with him on the 18th. Jason has also accepted the position as pastor at Rock of Ages (E-Free) Church in Leavenworth, Kansas, while he continues his studies at Midwestern Seminary.
Final Thought to Finish the Week
I heard someone ask, “What were you worrying about exactly one week ago at this moment?” The fact is very few (if any!) of us could remember what it was specifically that we were worried about at this time a week ago! Which goes to show … why worry? The Lord said there is nothing to be gained by it. God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (knows all things), and omnipresent (is present everywhere). So He’s capable of handling whatever we’re worried about! Plus, He cares about you!
I hope to see you this Sunday!
— Tom
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