Our new small-group Bible reading experience begins February 7, 7-8:00 pm.
Our goals are to:
Connect with God.
Build community.
Grow your faith.
Childcare will be provided.
For more information check out ImmerseBible.com
Reading Schedule and Group Rules
We are so glad that you have committed to be a part of the Immerse reading study. We pray that God will be using this experience to deepen our relationship with Him through His word and through the community of other believers. Some things to keep in mind as we start this study –– Honesty is a must as we seek to grow in following Jesus together, but this is impossible without mutual respect and confidentiality. Make room for each other to share. As you discuss the questions below, we ask you to avoid advice giving. People are likely to share personal things, and you may want to tell them what to do about it. Instead of giving advice, ask questions. Ask why. Ask them to elaborate. Trust that God is at work. Be committed to the weekly meetings and readings each week; you can keep up by referencing the 16-week reading plan in the back of your book. As a group, feel free to focus on the questions that seem most useful to you. You are not required to get through them all, and no one has to share. Building trust takes time!
Rules for good conversation with your group:
- Don’t dominate the conversation.
- Listen carefully to others.
- Respect others and what they share, even if you disagree.
- Try not to interrupt—you will get a chance to speak.
- Don’t go straight to your study Bible or the internet for answers.
Questions to start discussion:
- What stood out to you this week?
- Was there anything confusing or troubling?
- Did anything make you think differently about God?
- How might this change the way we live?
Take advantages of the audio resource on the website: immersebible.com/messiah-16-week/