Hello, Crossroads Family!
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday morning at 10:00! The sermon will be from Galatians 5, a continuation in our study on the Holy Spirit which we started about four weeks ago. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, and Power Source sent from the Lord Jesus and God the Father! We’ll have a good time this Sunday morning! Come early and interact with some of those who are new to our church family or who are visiting!
The plan is for a picnic this Sunday, rain or shine. Weather permitting, we’ll go to Marmaduke Park immediately following the worship service to eat. If weather or wet ground doesn’t permit us to be outside, we’ll eat at the church building. I hope you can join us! Sandwich fixings and paper products will be provided. If you can, please bring sides, desserts, and/or drinks to share. Bring a lawn chair, too, if you’d like! I hope to see you there!
Here are some prayer needs that come to my mind today. I’m sure you know of others. Let’s take some time today or tonight to express to God our need for Him to work in our world, and our confidence that He will!
— Julie Forkner’s son, Austin, is meeting with doctors for continued guidance following his accident earlier this year. Let’s pray for Austin and his family.
— Jenny Rives’ daughter, Melanie, is expecting a baby this week.
— Mark Tice’s daughter, Christy, and my son, Sam, have each recently been married. Let’s pray for them and their new spouses.
— Let’s pray for students, teachers, administrators, and other school staff to finish the school year in a strong way, and that some would be drawn to seek the Lord as they transition to new stages of life. My daughter Esther will graduate from the College of the Ozarks May 11. Shalea Dahmer is in a new stage of her school career and could use our prayers and support.
— Let’s pray for new attenders at Crossroads. How can we help integrate them into the life of the church family? What a significant ministry simple friendship can be in a church!
— Please pray for the completion of remaining improvement needs at our new building. Pray for wisdom, unity, vision, and perseverance for our Elders and for the other ministry teams at Crossroads.
— Please pray for health needs at Crossroads: the Walker family; Linda Murphy; Shane’s mom and dad; Julie Kemper’s cousin, Sherri; Matt Servos; God’s continued protection and healing for Konner Sisseck.
— Pray for Jessica and for Kelsi Kershner as they make plans for this summer’s Kamp Keirsey high school camp. Please pray for Kourtnee Vestal who will be serving on mission with CentriKids, a summer camp program to younger children in the southeastern U.S.
— Our Central District churches of the Evangelical Free Church held their Annual Conference this past week in Des Moines. Please pray for the leadership of our district: Mike Shields, Todd Brooks, Mark Farran, and others. Would you pray that next year we could send myself and/or one or two others from Crossroads to the conference? There’s great inspiration, ideas, and fellowship at the conference.
— Please pray for our Crossroads missionaries: Tyrell & Rachel Shoemaker and children in Chicago; Colin Welch in France; Jesse and Erica McCallister and children in Berlin, Germany. If you’re not currently receiving their prayer letter updates but would like to, please contact Heather Hall or Erlinda Reichard.
— Let’s pray for peace in the world, for the deliverance of those in danger, for wisdom for world leaders, and that we would be Holy Spirit-filled leaders ourselves in the world. You have a larger impact than you may realize! Let’s be sure to pray for brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering today for their faith.
There’s much, much more you could add to this list, I’m sure. Thank you for praying! I don’t remember who said this, but I like this thought: “Anything offered to Christ, He’s going to take care of.” Prayer is not just asking for things, but is offering things (and people and ourselves) to Christ.
Christ endured horrible suffering in order to save people He’s passionate about. That’s you and me … and many others near to us and around the world! Everyone, in fact! Pray for hearts to receive the gift of new life in Him!
“Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
I hope to see you Sunday!
— Tom