Hello, Crossroads Family!
What a good time we had in worship and fellowship last Sunday morning! It was great to enjoy our new facility and to welcome seven first-time visitors. Would you pray for God’s continued movement in and through Crossroads? I’m sure you’re already doing that! Our hope is to bring people (including ourselves) into an ever-deepening relationship with God and with each other.
Thanks to those who signed up to take a turn with the weekly cleaning needs of our new church home! If you weren’t able to sign up, please feel free to contact Heather Vestal who is coordinating the cleaning. The main responsibilities are to vacuum, empty the trash (dumpster is on north side of parking lot), and straighten chairs for Sunday morning. This should be done sometime after Wednesday night and before Sunday morning. Thank you!
Here’s an abbreviated set of notes from last Sunday’s elders meeting. We covered a lot. I’m grateful for our elders and their commitment to the church family!
- discussion of signage
- discussion about glass needed in doors to rooms used by children
- discussion of how to use the four small rooms : 1 for storage, 2 for classrooms, 1 for office needs
- other needs :
- additional lighting by the outside door
- a new HDMI cord (We apologize to those who couldn’t see a monitor the past two Sundays.)
- file cabinet
- round tables for fellowship meals and meetings
- commercial-grade vacuum
- We discussed the Blessing Fund: What is its purpose? How should we best field requests made for assistance? What are other area churches doing in this regard?
- We discussed the need to update names on the church checking account.
Ministry Teams:
- We discussed an upcoming Ministry Team Leaders meeting scheduled for Sunday, March 3.
- The purposes of the meeting will be the following: (1) to receive updates from ministry teams; (2) to discuss current problems or needs; (3) to encourage teams to develop a mission statement and goals; (4) to coordinate plans for Easter Sunday; (5) to pray together.
- Teams we would like to see represented at the meeting: Worship, Missions, Children, Youth, Greeters, Elders, Cleaning Team, Website.
- Tyrell and Rachel Shoemaker, our missionaries in Chicago, will visit Crossroads Sunday, April 21.
- A date for a longer time of prayer and planning for the elders was set for Sunday, April 14, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm.
Wow, Immerse starts tonight! I’m excited and hope you are too! Thanks for signing up to be part of it! Childcare will be provided.
Remember, the goals of Immerse are to…
… connect with God.
… build community.
… grow your faith.
We’ll meet tonight at 7:00 and plan to finish by 8:00. There will be a brief time of singing to start, then we’ll break up into our groups to get better acquainted. After that, there will be time to look through the Immerse Bible and, finally, there will be a short orientation video we’ll watch together. The first Bible reading assignment will be given before you go. Thanks, Forrest, for your organization and leadership!
Some guidelines to keep in mind for the discussion groups:
- In your group, make room for each other to share. Try not to dominate the conversation. Listen carefully to others. Respect what others share in the discussion, even if you disagree with what they say.
- Avoid giving advice. Try to promote discussion about what God’s word says, not what “I” say.
- Try to stick to the reading schedule. If you fall too far behind, skip ahead to the current week’s reading.
- Incorporate prayer into your experience. Ask God’s Spirit to help you in receiving the word.
- Trust that God is at work!
That’s a good word for all of us, in our personal lives and as a church: Trust that God is at work! He is!
Romans 4:20-21 (speaking of Abraham, but with an application for you and me): “With respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, being fully assured that what God had promised He was able also to perform.”
Also, we talked last Sunday about inserting the name of Jesus for the word “love” in the well-known love passage of 1 Corinthians 13. “Love is patient” becomes “Jesus is patient,” etc. It’s a passage that describes love but also describes Jesus.
Now, here’s a new exercise for the same passage : Substitute your own name. “Tom is patient; Tom is kind and is not jealous; Tom does not brag and is not arrogant.” Is that true of you? If not, you have some great ways to pray for yourself! This is the kind of person God wants to make us into.
One more thing:
Baby Bottle Boomerang
The baby bottles and funds are due back to the church Sunday, February 18. Contact Kim if you have a question. Thanks to everyone who is blessing moms and babies through this fundraising effort for Birthright of Nevada!
— Have a great rest of the week! I hope to see many of you tonight, then again on Sunday morning!
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