Tom’s Midweek Greeting
Crossroads Community Church
Nevada MO
February 8, 2019
He hurls down his hail like pebbles. Who can withstand his icy blast? Psalm 147:17
By the breath of God the ice is formed and the watery expanses are frozen. Job 37:10
I hope you’re faring well during these cold, icy days God has given us. As I write this, the sunshine is reflecting off the ice on the trees, the yard, the power lines; yes, and even the trash cans! Some of the ice is melting, too, and birds were singing again this morning. Maybe the icy blast is over for this time, and spring is hopefully not far away.
Did you hear the story about the man who loved summer? He waited and waited every year for nine months, waiting for summer to come. Then when it got there, he remembered how much he hated it ! … because of the mosquitoes, the heat, and all the outdoor work he had to do ! We’re often like that, aren’t we … failing to recognize that each day and each season of life are from the Lord, and for Him!
I was reading this week in Exodus, at the point where the Israelites begin to journey out across the wilderness. God gave them bread from heaven – manna – which doesn’t sound especially exciting, except that it was his daily, miraculous provision for their needs. He tested them, really every day, to see if they were trusting him (and maybe also to examine their hearts for thankfulness?).
You’ve heard the story of Matthew Henry, minister and Bible commentator (1662-1714) who, when he was robbed, made a note of four things for which he was thankful:
- thankful that he had never before been robbed
- thankful that he was only robbed, and not killed
- thankful that, while he was robbed of all his money, it wasn’t much
- thankful that it was he who was robbed, and not he who robbed.
I hope you’re finding some bright, sunny thing for which to be thankful today! Let’s be looking for them! And, let’s be in prayer for several in our Crossroads family who have needs in their lives at this time:
- Jerry Reedy, Dave’s dad, recovering from pneumonia and a trip to the ER
- Judy Moore, also recovering from health challenges last week
- Julie Kemper, taking care of her extended family, and especially of her elderly aunt
- Marie Roberts, looking for work
- others caring for family members in difficult situations
- students working hard at their studies ; other adult children in transitional stages of life
- our elders meeting this Sunday after church
- Joe Chenoweth who will be meeting with the elders later this month to work on next-steps for “Walking the Walls.”
Thanks to everyone who is part of the Crossroads Family and who so graciously and faithfully pray and give and serve!
Worship, Youth Bible Study, this Sunday
I’m very excited about our worship service coming up this Sunday, from 1 Corinthians 12, on being “Church Glue.” What is the glue that holds a church together and gives it a dynamic, impactful ministry? I’m so excited about the message, I feel I could give it all away in this email! I hope you’ll be at the Y on Sunday for wonderful worship and for food from God’s Word. Thanks to those who set up, those who will serve in Children’s Church, and all those who tear down after worship! Thanks to our greeters and musicians! Thanks to Phill Edwards who prepares the bulletin and slides! Hope to see all of you Sunday at 10:00! Don’t forget Bible Study for all middle school and high school students at 9:00.
Next Wednesday, February 13, we’ll resume Home Group and Youth Group at the Rodriguez home, *contact us for more information*, 6:30-8:00 pm. Again, we’ll have an exciting study for adults in the Book of Job. Since Satan is one of the important characters at the beginning of that story, we’re going to take a look at who he is, where he’s from, and what he does. As I was preparing yesterday, the study on Satan also took me down the road of “what are angels?” Very exciting to study who these beings are, and that will also be part of our study together next Wednesday. Hope to see you then!
Next Men’s Fellowship & Study Time – Monday, February 18, 6:30 pm, at Precision Coffee, 127 E. Cherry Street. All men are invited for a good time of fellowship and personal growth.
Nevada Young Life Fundraising Dessert – Sunday, February 24, 6-7:30 pm, in the Raney Dining Hall on the campus of Cottey College. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Donna **contact us for more information**. I hope you’ll plan to attend. This will be a fun informational meeting, and a chance to take another step forward toward the building up of a Young Life ministry in Nevada. It was at a Young Life summer camp, about 40 years ago, that my wife Diana became a Christian. Imagine – she is in heaven today, in part because people organized a Young Life ministry that reached out to her! Do you know a young person in Nevada who would benefit from Young Life? Talk to Donna if you have any questions about the meeting on the 24th!
God bless you as you finish out the week! Hope to see you Sunday!
— Tom
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