Hello Crossroads Family!
I’m really looking forward to Sunday’s worship service! I’m thankful for you … and always happy to meet with you to worship, pray, plan, and serve our wonderful, risen Lord!
Today is my sweet Diana’s birthday. This day has been for many years a happy day in my life and a happy day in our home. When I think of all the things that made Diana so special, the one that stands out — and attracted me most to her in the first place (way back in 1985) — was her very personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. When I met her, her intention was to go to Eastern Europe to share the Gospel alongside others. Of course, we were eventually able to do that in Western Europe rather than Eastern. She believed the Lord was someone you could always rely on, and someone you could always obey fully. She wanted others to know Him because He is the true life and only source of real and lasting happiness. I want to continue to walk in that path, and I hope you do too!
It has been interesting that on Sunday mornings in October we’ve been able to touch on several important and inspiring ministry concepts — world missions, local missions, Church history, giving (last Sunday — I hope you’ll listen to the sermon on Facebook if you missed it Sunday), and this Sunday we’ll talk about the concept of spiritual leadership in the church.
We have an important election of church elder coming up; so on Sunday I want us to take a look again at the role and person of church elders. I think this will help us as we seek God’s will in this decision … and as many of us consider God’s call to be leaders and followers. I’m calling the sermon “Sheep and Shepherds.” We’ll look at the questions the Bible raises for shepherds and for sheep. I think you’ll be challenged, and I hope you’ll be there Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Community Center!
Elders Meeting
Our elders met last Sunday. Our discussion and work were principally along these lines:
- We began work on a church budget proposal for 2023.
- We discussed church ministry initiatives and best ways of communicating ministry and fellowship opportunities.
- We set dates for upcoming congregational meetings.
- We finalized a proposal for a Nominating Committee (to be voted upon this coming Sunday after worship).
- We will be inquiring at the Community Center about using our space there for a Christmas Eve service.
Please mark these dates in your calendar:
- This Sunday, October 30, we will meet briefly to vote on a proposed Nominating Committee. The job of the Nominating Committee is to seek a qualified candidate for church elder from among the congregation.
- On Sunday, December 18, we will have a congregational meeting following the worship service in order to elect an elder and to vote on a church budget proposal for 2023. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are a voting member at Crossroads, we look forward to your participation in these decisions. If you are not a voting member but would like to be, please contact one of the elders.
Care Packages
If you would like to contribute to a care package for our young people who have recently left for college or new work situations, please be in touch with Michaela about practical ideas. Michaela will be collecting items for the care packages on the next several Sunday mornings, hoping to have the packages completed by November 20, in time for finals.
Home Group This Sunday Evening
What I like most about Home Group is not just the interesting video study on “Church History Made Easy,” but especially the close-knit fellowship with those who come. It’s a chance to open up, share questions and needs, and to discern God’s will and work in our lives. I hope you’ll plan to come this Sunday evening, 6:00-7:30, at my house, 628 W. Arch Street.
MAMS Coming Up November 2, 7 pm.
The Martha’s and Mary’s group for women will meet on Wednesday, November 2, at 7:00, at Michelle’s home, 602 N. Washington Street. All women are invited for fellowship, discussion, and encouragement. Plan to come and bring a friend! Contact Michelle if you have any questions (417-283-8668).
Encouragements & Challenges
The Bible seems often to surprise us, doesn’t it? I’ve been reading lately through 2 Chronicles which contains the stories of the kings of Israel (or, more specifically, the southern tribes of Israel, called Judah). It’s interesting how often we feel that when we do right, God will bless us in some way that we expect — usually visibly, materially, … maybe physically or monetarily? God has many wise ways of blessing, however, doesn’t He?
I was reading today in 2 Chronicles 30 which tells the story of the revival in Judah under King Hezekiah (716-687 BC). Some lines from that story that I took special note of:
- They acted “according to the law of Moses the man of God” (2 Chron 30:16). The people returned to God’s Word, something we are constantly needing to come back to as believers.
- “So the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people” (2 Chron 30:20). Here’s a simply stated yet powerful answer to the people’s needs and their prayers. Where do we need healing today? Are you praying for healing in our nation and in our church where needed?
- “So there was great joy in Jerusalem” (2 Chron 30:26). This kind of statement actually appears frequently throughout the stories of the kings. We shouldn’t overlook the fact that God often gives us times of real joy, individually and as a community.
- Yet, after two long chapters (30 and 31) of revival and return to God, chapter 32 begins this way: “After these acts of faithfulness, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and besieged the fortified cities and thought to break into them for himself!” (2 Chron 32:1). After many acts of faithfulness on the part of the people toward God came … invasion, terror, and war!
Amazing! I look forward to seeing, in the remainder of the story, what God accomplished through the unexpected challenge that followed so closely many acts of faithfulness and obedience.
It reminds me a little of the Laura Story song that was so popular just a few years ago: What if God’s blessings actually come through raindrops or tears, or through sleepless nights instead of peaceful nights? What if trials in life turn out somehow to actually be God’s mercies in disguise? What if it turns out that the invasion of a foreign army actually took King Hezekiah and the Jews to even greater heights of spiritual life with God?
Maybe your trials today are God’s blessings in disguise. We shouldn’t give up too soon on God!
Have a great rest of the week!
— Tom
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