Hello, Crossroads Family !
This is early for a TMG, but while my mind is full of thoughts from yesterday, I feel led to send some encouragement and reminders for the week ahead.
I hope you had a good weekend !
I enjoyed having a few of you in my home for dinner and fellowship Saturday night, along with my daughter Esther who joined us for the evening.
I was blessed, as I hope you were, through our worship yesterday morning. There is always good fellowship before and after the service on Sundays. I’m encouraged when people extend the service through meaningful conversation afterwards, many times with your Bibles still open. What a blessing ! We had one first-time visitor yesterday which has become a regular occurrence at Crossroads. Let’s pray that God will bless those who visit us. Some need Christ, some may be looking for connection with a local church, and some may simply be seeking some love, encouragement, and/or hope ! Let’s pray sincerely that God would give the leading they seek and would supply their needs.
The elders had a marathon meeting after the service with our primary accomplishment being that we hammered out an initial proposal for a 2025 church budget. We were helped by the input several of you gave us prior to the meeting. Thank you ! (We came to the realization, too, that this is the fourth year Stacey Wilson has served as Treasurer at Crossroads. Unfortunately for us, our church by-laws limit a person’s service in that position to four consecutive years only. We’re so grateful for Stacey’s good help these past four years !) Don’t forget that we’ll have a congregational meeting on Sunday, December 15, following the worship service. With God’s help, we will elect a new elder, approve a budget for 2025, and spend some time in prayer.
Yesterday evening, the Hymn Study Small Group enjoyed some Advent singing, meditation and laughter, and we were joined by an unexpected visitor ! December 1 will be the first Sunday of Advent. We’ll light an Advent wreath each Sunday, and I’m currently looking for some people who will read a short devotional thought and light the candle each Sunday. If I approach you to help in that way, I hope you’ll be open to that ! Thanks !
The message of “No one can serve two masters” is such a simple one, it seems hardly worth repeating to people like you who read and study your Bibles on a regular basis. Yet, we should each take stock and ask ourselves if, perhaps, we’re trying to serve God and some other master. The master may not necessarily be money — it could be something else — but oftentimes the compromises we make in our relationship with God do revolve around a pursuit of more or better finances, or around a failure to believe that He would provide what we need in some other way if we threw off the yoke of that second master.
If we want to experience (and really believe we can experience) a life full of all God desires for us (what Jesus called an “abundant” life), what should we not compromise on ? The answer that comes to my mind are those five basic needs of all followers of Jesus Christ have :
Bible : regular time reading God’s Word, even if it’s just a little bit each day
Prayer : some regular time each day spent speaking to the Lord (and hearing from Him)
Fellowship : provides the energy and sharpening we need to believe and follow
Witness : telling others about God’s work in our lives
Worship : times of personal worship (which can be very simple), and worship with others
Simple things. I was struck this morning by another simple statement in Psalm 128 :
How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. (Psalm 128:1)
To say a person should “walk in God’s ways” seems, again, to be kind of an old-fashioned idea, doesn’t it ? Surely we’re beyond such a simple concept as that ! “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus,” seems like a song from the distant past. Yet, there it is still, a promise to be believed and acted upon : “How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord and walks in His ways.”
May God help all of us (myself included !) to walk in His ways this coming week. May He give us minds to understand and accept what His ways are. May He also grant us an ability to recognize and repent of “other” masters in our lives.
Thanks for joining me in this wonderful pursuit which is not only a path of blessing for today but which is preparing us for an eternity with God in a new heaven and new earth !
Prayers Needed
Please pray for our Nominating Committee as the committee members seek God’s will for a nomination for Elder. The best qualifications for elders (even better than the ones given in our church by-laws Emoji) are found in the following passages of the Bible :
1 Timothy 3:1-7
1 Timothy 5:17-25
Titus 1:5-9
1 Peter 5:1-4
Acts 20:17-32
If you’re unfamiliar with those passages, or if you need to review them, take time to read those passages this week. Some of the qualifications mentioned are the following :
desires to serve as an elder / overseer
lives a life above reproach
faithful to his wife (a “one-woman man”)
exercises self-control
manages his household well
has a good reputation with those outside the church
is able to teach
a gentle person
not a heavy drinker, or quarrelsome, or a lover of money
leads eagerly (1 Peter 5:2)
is an example to the flock (1 Peter 5:3)
It’s not a perfect person we’re looking for, but the bar is a high one and not to be taken lightly. Elders are shepherds (really, pastors) and must be able to guide the flock in God’s ways (Psalm 128 again).
Thanksgiving Dinner next Sunday !
We’re looking forward to a wonderful time next Sunday following the worship service ! Thanks to Heather Vestal who has organized this Thanksgiving dinner several years in a row ! If you need help knowing what you can or should bring, please contact Heather (417-549-0051). She will be happy to help you or remind you. Tables for the meal will already be set up by the time you arrive for worship at 10:00 next Sunday. Thanks to everyone for their help and flexibility for a special day !
Finally …
Don’t forget Immerse this Wednesday night at 7:00 ! Reading assignment is pp 248-269 in the Immerse Bible (Numbers 25-36).
Ladies, don’t forget to sign up for the Women’s Cookie Exchange which will be held December 8 at 3pm at the church. And you can also sign up for next semester’s women’s Bible study if you’re interested. Information at the church or contact Erin Townsend (ektownsend12@gmail.com).
Westview Evangelical Free Church, where my son-in-law and daughter serve, had a prophecy conference this weekend featuring Jeff Kinley and Todd Hampson who are known as the “Prophecy Pros.” If you’re interested, you can watch Sunday’s sermon here. Don’t forget that Crossroads sermons are also available on our Crossroads Facebook page.
Have a wonderful week !
— Tom