Hello, Crossroads Family !
I hope to see you tonight at Immerse at 7:00 at the church building. This Wednesday and next Wednesday, we’ll discuss the book of Leviticus (tonight, pp 151-175). These could be really unusual or really quiet conversations, I’m not sure which !
In response to the second of the Immerse questions (“What troubles you, or what questions do you have about the passage ?”), I made this note : Is religion (or Christianity) boring ? Leviticus is a hard book for many reasons, and may even seem boring to some. I think it’s one of the reasons people have a hard time reading through the entire Bible after a good start in Genesis and Exodus. My difficulty with Leviticus only changed a few years ago when I read a helpful study guide on the book that helped me see the organization of the book and understand its pictures.
I know that Christianity is not boring, and neither is God. Consider these couple of passages (also from the Old Testament) that speak to us of God’s emotions :
In Hosea 9:15, speaking of the Israelites and their idolatry, God says, “I came to hate them at Gilgal (one of the Israelites’ original places of worship) ! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house !” God’s anger, frustration, and disappointment are apparent all throughout the book of Hosea. He consistently compares His people to a harlot.
Yet, later, in the book of Zephaniah, after declaring that He intends to rescue a remnant of people in Israel in the future, He expresses tremendous joy about that :
“Shout for joy, O daughter of Zion ! Shout in triumph, O Israel ! Rejoice and exult with all your heart ! The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy” (Zeph 3:14-17). Some Bibles say, “He will sing over you with joy.” That’s a beautiful and emotional expression.
God doesn’t ride up and down on His emotions like we do ; yet He is not disinterested, distant, or passive, either. He made us with emotions because He Himself possesses emotion. What a wonderful God to take such a passionate interest in us and in the affairs of our lives ! He is always offering to people a pathway back to Him and to the joy song He sings over us !
More on Zephaniah this Sunday morning !
Coming Up …
We have two fun fellowship and outreach events this weekend :
Saturday – Women’s Breakfast & Fall Festival
Come join the women of Crossroads for breakfast then fellowship at the Fall Festival here in Nevada ! On Saturday we’ll meet at 54 Cafe (540 N. Subway Blvd) at 8:30 am, then travel to the Stor-Mor Fall Festival at 10:00 am (1419 W. Austin, in front of Woods Supermarket). We’d love to have you join us for both or either event regardless of whether you attended Breakfast and a Bible Study this fall. Email or text Erin Townsend (ektownsend12@gmail.com, 417-684-7067) for questions or more details!
Sunday – Parking Lot Party
On Sunday everyone is invited to stay around after worship for our Parking Lot / Block Party ! We’re grilling hot dogs, eating outdoors, enjoying fellowship, and playing games ! Be sure to invite a friend to join us ! Worship at 10:00, then food, games, and fellowship at 11:30. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Kemper (417-321-3999).
Nominating Committee
We’re in need of four more people to serve on this year’s Nominating Committee. The work of the Nominating Committee will be to discern a candidate for the position of elder for next year. The work of the committee should be finished by the first of December. If you’re a member at Crossroads and interested in serving, please let one of the current elders know. (Our by-laws require the congregation to vote to confirm the Nominating Committee once it’s has been selected. We will do that on Sunday, November 3.)
2025 Church Budget
We would still like ministry teams to submit a budget proposal to the elders by November 1 if you’re able so we can start constructing a 2025 church budget proposal. We’ll vote on the budget proposal and on the nominee for elder at a congregational meeting December 15.
Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal
Don’t forget that we’ll enjoy Thanksgiving dinner together following worship on Sunday, November 24, at the church. I hope you can join us and bring a friend or family member !
Prayers Needed
I’m grateful for all the high school and college students attending Crossroads ! I hope you’ll pray for them and take time to get to know them.
Tonight : Immerse, 7:00
Saturday : Women’s Breakfast & Fall Festival starting at 8:30
Sunday :
- Worship at 10:00
- We look forward to receiving Catherine Moss, David and Midge Prickett as new members to Crossroads at the end of the worship service !
- Parking Lot Party starting at 11:30.
— Tom